Facebook Removes Conservative Site Infowars But Terrorist Filth Still Litters the Platform

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft   Comments

On Monday Facebook caved to the leftist media mob demanding censorship of InfoWars and permanently banned their page.

Google-YouTube followed suit and also terminated the InfoWars Accounts.

The tech tyrants launched a coordinated attack on Alex Jones and Infowars.

Conservative Infowars is too offensive for Democrats, CNN and Facebook.

But while Facebook continues its censor and eliminate conservative content several terrorist organizations still have a presence on the platform.

The Communist FARC terrorists from Colombia still have a page on Facebook with 92,000 likes.

Palestinian Fatah has a popular Facebook page with 120,000 likes.

The Fatah page regularly glorifies female terrorists and suicide bombers.

Image from the Palestinaian Fatah Facebook page — still active.

The Belthlehem Branch of Fatah has a post glorifying a 17-year-old Jew-killing terrorist.

And videos by Imam Anwar Al awlaki litter the Facebook platform.

But conservative Infowars is too controversial?